refrigeracion racks

Rack´s ventilation

Telecommunications equipment and servers generate huge amount of heating in relativiley small areas, such us racks. The heat generated by the equipment network usually stay in the same space and affect the equipment´s efficiency. It is necessary a right air conditioning to keep the servers with the right temperature and avoid breakdowns and faults.

The signs due to heat of these telecommunication equipment are not visible immediately, but they can cause fails in the nodes and inactivity periods.

The refrigeration of racks is a fundamental factor in a data centre. It is necessary a good air conditioning to manage the heat generated by the servers and communications equipment housed in racks. Depending specific needs of the datacenter room, it will be necessary to adapt one cooling system or another.

With a right distribution of the cool and hot air flows you can get a right cooling system and avoid the overheating.

How keep the air cooling in the racks

The inside racks temperature can vary depending of many factors, such as there is space between servers that make the hot air moves to front, the kind of door rack´s perforation (it can be major or minor grade and this can affect the cooling system), the size of the rack and the components integrated inside (maybe there is not enough space to the correct circulation of the air flows or too much space with cover).

  • To guarantee the air entry in the rack: it is necessary space for cool air entry, for that, manufacturer recommend perforated doors. Side panels also help to air entry.
  • Internal ventilation: racks usually include ceiling fans for hot air extraction or cooling. This system with door perforation, front and rear, it would be enough for a right ventilation.
  • Blanking panels: the placement of blanking panels to cover space between servers, favors energy efficiency, avoiding that hot air generated by the equipment goes to front. Beside, blanking panels help to the cool air that come from the door it does not go to the rear, instead air goes directly to the equipment.
  • Do not overload: although the rack is 42U, it is not advisable to place 42 servers of 1U. It is not recommended overload the rack by installing too many equipments. It is advisable to leave at least 1U of height between servers to ensure proper ventilation from the front to rear.
  • Temperature monitoring:  supervise the temperature range for the right working of the equipment is necessary to guarantee the energy efficiency. By placing temperature probes, temperature can be checked in real time, beside to place alarms that can be activated when the temperature is above established limits. This allows to reduce OPEX costs that make it manually.

If you are interested in how to keep your equipment with the right temperature or if you need racks with all the components and configurations for guarantee the righ ventilation of your data center racks, you don´t hesitate to contact us.

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